Monday, March 2, 2009

first monday of lent...



for HE has not despised or disdained
the suffering of the afflicted one;
HE has not hidden HIS face from him
but has listened to his cry for help.
(psalm 22:24, niv)

questions about the scripture:

why is it always pointed out that GOD is a GOD for all people including the seemingly least???

are the least of these more blessed than those who are wealthy in all areas such as health, money, education, etc...???

my answers to yesterday's questions:

Jesus went into galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. “the time has come,” he said. “the kingdom of God is near. repent and believe the good news!”
(mark 1:14-15, niv)

believing that repetition is often a great tool for learning, why is repentance important??? repentance (asking forgiveness for sins) clears the way to GOD. it makes forming a relationship with GOD possible!!!

were the galileans accepting of JESUS and His teachings??? the galileans were very receptive to JESUS unlike the jews.

what is "the good news"??? the good news is the promise of salvation (eternity in heaven with the FATHER) through the atoning death of JESUS on the cross and HIS resurrection. it is also the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit (the indwelling of the SPIRIT of GOD) first given out at Pentecost.

memory of the day:

i've pretty much just have the sorenson's in my thoughts. i hope baby elisabeth is feeling better.

saying grace:

dear Father, YOU are all the good that i am. Your mercy and love is boundless, and i am so thankful for these things, the gift of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, and all that is of YOU. if someone is reading this is looking for You to fill them up, please be generous. GOD if there is something particular i am supposed to do today to further YOUR kingdom...
here am i, send me:D
forgive me, FATHER, for all my unrighteous thoughts,
and help me to forgive the unrighteousness in others... as i know, it is YOUR place and not mine to judge. help me to pay forward your grace and mercy.

FATHER, i lift these especially as prayers of intercession.
tabitha's family
the nall family
the sorenson family
the macs
the skaggs
the gaddises
those who are suffering
with emotional and/or physical pain
those who have lost their jobs
the leaders around the world
and all others who are crying out to YOU
in Jesus' name i pray.


ps. if you have any prayer requests,
please let me know in your comment.
i will add it to my daily prayer list.